Vanilla JavaScript Development

6 months

While frameworks and libraries make it easy to create code quickly, sometimes you need to be able to build smaller, tighter code that you control. In this path, learn to create clean JavaScript code for any front-end application, with or without a supporting framework, that does exactly what you need.

Create code that fits your needs precisely.

Broaden your understanding of JavaScript features that simplify program architecture.

Develop your own approach to managing communications with servers.

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Chapter 1: Learning App Building with Vanilla JavaScript

Replace jQuery and React with vanilla JavaScript to imporve site speed without impacting the user experience.

Chapter 2: Web Portfolio Projects: Binding and Propagation

Learn about some more advanced JavaScript concepts including managing propagation and binding as you build an few interesting card games.

Chapter 3: Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript ES6+

Get an introduction to the evolving functional paradigms at the heart of many JavaScript frameworks and programs.

Chapter 4: Vanilla JavaScript: Ajax and Fetch

Ajax is the backbone of high-performance web apps. Learn how to use vanilla JavaScript, Ajax, and APIs like Fetch and XHR to request and handle dta and modify webpage content.

Chapter 5: Processing and Interchanging JSON Data

Discover how to use JSON data to meet the requirements of the apps or services that you build.

Chapter 6: JavaScript: Modern Browser APIs

Build truly great applications using JavaScript and a selection of modern browser APIs. Discover ways to imporve data managgement, enhance app performance, and more.

Chapter 7: Vanilla JavaScript: Service Workers

Learn how to use service workers in your applications. Create faster, more engaging web experiences with features like notifications, background syncing, and offline browsing.

Chapter 8: Vanilla JavaScript: Progressive Web Applications

Create app-like experiences for the mobile web. Learn how to create progressive web apps with nothing more than Vanilla JavaScript.