Front-End Web Development

6 months

Get the skills to build engaging, interactive user experiences on the web as a front-end web developer. Learn everything you need to design and develop user-facing code, and discover how to bring concepts to life on the browser canvas by combining essential graphic design and coding principles.

Develop competency with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Master with basic version control with Git and GitHub.

Apply best practices in responsive design and progressive enhancement.

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Chapter 1: Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End

Do you want to become a web developer? Learn about the skills and tools you need to get a job as a front-end, back-end, or full-stack web developer.

Chapter 2: Web Programming Fundamentals

Learn how the web works. Explore the web programming fundamentals you need to know to build robust applications and websites.

Chapter 3: Programming Fundamentals

Prepare to learn the fundamental concepts, practices, and terminology of programming in this introductory course.

Chapter 4: User Experience for Web Design

Learn how to apply simple UX design principles to your site to make it behave in the way that users want and expect.

Chapter 5: UX Accessibility

Learn how to incorporate accessibility into your design process and make your next web project more accessible to all people, including those with disabilities.

Chapter 6: HTML Essentials

Learn how to write HTML, the programming language that powers the web.

Chapter 7: CSS Essentials

Explore the concepts that form the foundations of CSS. Learn how to select content, style text, manage layouts, and more as you work on a real-world project.

Chapter 8: JavaScript Essentials

Get hands-on experience scripting in JavaScript. Learn how to work with objects, variables, data types, conditionals, functions, loops, closures, the DOM, ES6, and more.

Chapter 9: Responsive Layout

Learn how to design responsive layouts with HTML and CSS, including the latest standards: Flexbox and Grid.

Chapter 10: Learn GitHub

GitHub is the industry-standard tool for collaborating on and sharing code. Learn the basics, including common uses, workflows, and best practices for GitHub and Git.

Chapter 11: Bootstrap 4 Essentials

Learn the essentials of Bootstrap 4. Discover how to use this popular front-end framework to quickly and easily build resonsive, mobile-ready websites.

Chapter 12: Sass Essentials

Learn the fundamentals of Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), a modern web development language that helps you write CSS better, faster, and with more advanced features.

Chapter 13: React.js

Learn how to develop user interfaces using React.js, the JavaScript framework for building modular, reusable UI conponents.