Back-End Web Development

6 months

More than 50% of the web is built using PHP. Easy to get started with, yet powerful in its functionality, PHP is used by individuals, startups, and enterprise-scale companies like Facebook to build websites. Get the skills to work with both client and server-side technologies as a PHP developer. This path requires basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git, covered in our Front-End Web Developer Learning Path.

Build dynamic websites that can retrieve and return information from the client side to the server side using PHP and MySQL.

Test and organize your code with unit tests and using object-oriented programming principles and MVC frameworks.

Secure your applications.

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Chapter 1: Algorithms Fundamentals

Algorithms are the universal building blocks of programming. Learn the most popular and useful programming algorithms for searching and sorting data, counting values, and more.

Chapter 2: Learning PHP

Start programming in PHP. Learn what PHP is and how it integrates with HTML, and the major features of the PHP language.

Chapter 3: PHP Essentials

Learn the fundamentals of PHP, a popular programming language that you can use to create dynamic web pages.

Chapter 4: PHP with MySQL Essentials: The Basics

Learn how to build dynamic, data-driven webpages using PHP with MySQL

Chapter 5: PHP with MySQL Essentials: Build a CMS

Strengthen your PHP and MySQL skills by building a robust content management system with secure user authentication.

Chapter 6: Ajax with PHP: Add Dynamic Content to Websites

Add dynamic, asynchronously loading content to websites to make them more modern, professional, and user friendly, with Ajax and PHP.

Chapter 7: PHP: Object-Oriented Programming

Learn how to use object-oriented programming principles in PHP

Chapter 8: PHP: Object-Oriented Programming with Databases

Learn how to efficiently interact with databases using object-oriented PHP code.

Chapter 9: MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications

Explore six Model-View Controller (MVC) frameworks: Zend, Symfony, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Yii, and Laravel. Learn how to select the right framework for your app development project.

Chapter 10: Learning Git and GitHub

Learn to work with the most common Git commands, and use GitHub to clone, explore, and create templates for existing projects.

Chapter 11: PHP: Test-Driven Development with PHPUnit

Develop better software with fewer bugs with test-driven development and PHPUnit. Learn how to write unit tests in PHP using this popular tool and methodology.

Chapter 12: PHP: Creating Secure Websites.

Learn how to meet the most important security challenges when developing websites with PHP.